Since LITASCO's founding in 2000, we have always focused on becoming active members of key local industry associations and business networks.
LITASCO is one of the founding members of SUISSENÉGOCE (former STSA - Swiss Trading & Shipping Association).
SUISSENÉGOCE is the main commodity trading association in Switzerland, created in 2006 as GTSA (Geneva Trading & Shipping Association) by companies and banks active in the sector.
Today SUISSENÉGOCE counting more than 190 members.
SUISSENÉGOCE performs today all of the activities expected of a Swiss professional association:
A neutral exchange platform for commodity, trade finance and shipping sector professionals;
A key provider of specialised education and training;
A lobbying organisation able to run successful information campaigns at the national level;
A platform to build positive relationships with all kinds of stakeholders; developing and maintains close contacts with the Geneva State Council and the Swiss Federal Authorities.
A credible source of information for explaining the economic and social relevance of the industry.
LITASCO is an active member of GEM (Groupement des Entreprises Multinationales), a non-political, non-profit-making association affiliated to the FER (Fédération des Entreprises Romandes, Genève).
GEM, with more than 90 members, is a high level network of multinational companies, which aims to develop, promote, represent and maintain relationships with different stakeholders, including local authorities as well as to defend the common interests of its members.
LITASCO is member of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services known as CCIG (Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et des Services de Genève), which is a private and independent organisation grouping more than 2000 member companies of all sizes with the mission of representing their interests, sustaining their long term activities and promoting a strong economy.